Friday, April 18, 2008

# 16 Wikis

I had a look at wiki's but don't think it's for me.
I can see the dangers in it as anyone can change the information.
It can't be always seen as reliable for any research.
For a group with a common interest it would be great for sharing ideas.
In a Library it maybe uselful for patrons reviewing books and also reading other patrons thoughts about titles they may want to read.

# 15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0

Not ready for the "online world".
I don't like spending time sitting in front of a computer and definetly can not see myself taking the laptop to bed to enjoy my evening read.
I'm also not a big one for the whole "sharing online".
This of course maybe the way of the future but I feel it will be a little while before it lands in Geelong.
A coffee shop in the Library I would enjoy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

# 12 Rollyo

This would be useful if you had a particular interest or area of research. I used the travel search and think that it might be something I would look at in the future.

Friday, April 11, 2008

#14 Technorati

Had a look at Technorati and its another thing that if you had the time and interest it would be great.

# 13

I had a look at but didn't open an account.